"The fastest,
most surefire way to
scale revenue by 25-30%

in under 30 days"

See how B2B SaaS & Tech businesses use
multi-channel acquisition systems to close
new customers consistently, and profitably.

Check if this could work for you
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Attracting B2B customers is hard work.

Unqualified prospects, long lead cycles and high churn rates don't help 🫠

You've probably tried running ads or daily LinkedIn posts...

But nothing gets you customers consistently, and profitably.

The thing is - your business only grows as fast as its customer base...

And for that you need appointments and demos.

But there's a problem...

Service-based consultants only get you results while you pay (if at all) 🤔

You need something that works even after you stop paying...

You Need A System,
‍‍Not A Service.


  • No consistency or forecastability
  • No foundation for sustainable growth
  • No exit strategy
  • High ad spend & retainers


  • Predictable revenue generation
  • Deliver results at scale
  • Designed to leverage in-house teams
  • Function autonomously

The Result?

A personalised system that delivers recurring revenue at scale...

by bringing more ready-to-buy customers and appointment bookings to your business than ever before...

So, where do we come in? 🧐

We'll build you a proven System that increases company revenue by 25-30% in its 1st month, or you don't pay...

We guarantee it in fact.

And better yet  👀

Once the system is reliably closing new customers, we'll automate it using AI and transfer it over to you.

We'll also provide templates, guides and coaching to your in-house teams on maintaining and scaling the system going forward ⚙️

Gone are the days of conventional consulting, we help you create impact that lasts.

Claim Your Free System Audit
Rajiv Kumar Sinha

Calipso's team knew exactly how to gain the attention of our audience via LinkedIn & Email. Where we struggled to even get a response, they're booking us demos left right and centre...

Kimberly Wong

Massive shoutout to the team at Calipso for being our secret sauce. We're now averaging 10+ sales calls per week and growing!

Declan Hayes

Our team now spends 99% of their time actually closing deals vs. trying to find customers online.

Rachel Simpson

It's been so refreshing working with a company that actually knows what they're talking about - also helps that they're getting us results! ;)

Jamila Patterson
Head of Marketing

Okay, so let me spill the tea on Calipso - these guys are legit wizards! We've been pretty much flooded with appointments. And we're B2B!

Alex Sawyer

The whole process of working with Calipso has been incredibly insightful. Their approach to creating a 'point of view' in their outreach is honestly a game changer.

David Finnegan
Founder & CEO

Calipso's knowledge in the systems & automations space is very impressive to say the least.

Sophie Kyle

We honestly couldn't be more impressed with the speed of results Calipso achieved for us.

How It Actually Works

Systems Audit

We'll figure out if acquisition systems can add 25-30% revenue to your business 🤝

To do this, we'll analyse:

  • Whether your value proposition & USPs work well for multi-channel outreach
  • What your competitors are currently doing (or not doing) to attract new customers
  • If your lead quality, domains and system workflows are healthy

System Setup

If an acquisition system is right for you, it's time to get building 😎

This typically happens in five key stages: 

  • Customer pain point analysis
  • DNS & mailbox creation
  • Lead enrichment & personalisation profiles
  • Workflow sequence automation
  • A/B Testing

Hyper-Personalised Outreach

With our insights from Steps 1 & 2, we'll activate the system and reach your customers on their ideal platforms 🚀

Using our network of over 200,000 servers, we'll optimise your system to ensure our industry-high open & response rates.  


Appointment Scheduling

Using unibox-arbitrage, we'll to turn your customer responses into booked appointments.

We'll also use automated reminders to ensure your customers join calls and any no-shows are rescheduled 📆

Automation & Transfer

Once your system is reliably booking appointments & closing deals after 30 days, we'll use automations and AI to set up:

  • Custom software stacks
  • Lead priority filtering
  • AI-driven A/B testing
  • Automated booking workflows
  • Messaging template databases
  • CRM integrations

Next, we'll transfer the system over to you and coach your in-house teams on its use, maintenance and scaling.


What's included in your free System audit

As part of your 45-min audit, we help you figure out if acquisition systems can add 25-30% revenue to your business every month.

We do that by focusing on your current value proposition, USPs and what competitors are doing (or not doing) to acquire new customers.

You'll also receive...

✅ The exact workflow stripefile we use to help B2B companies build their systems and scale revenue

✅ A lead quality analysis and personalised recommendations to find better leads online

✅ Our in-depth domain health check to assess the reputation score of your existing email & web servers

See if there's still availability below 👇
Claim Your Free System Audit

Frequently Asked Questions

What separates Calipso from other digital marketing agencies?

Coming from a long background in digital marketing, paid ads and lead generation - we realised that ‘service-based’ agencies simply don’t provide the same value they used to.

Businesses in 2024 aren’t looking to make a quick buck by paying absurd monthly retainers, only to leave the relationship frustrated and confused (and without any tangible takeaways). What businesses ARE looking for is consistent, predictable performance that grows alongside their company.

We’ve made it our mission to create effective customer acquisition systems that work today, tomorrow and next year. Plus, you leave this relationship with a unique System that’s yours to bring into your business and accelerate growth.

Why don't I just run ads?

As targeted as today's ad platforms try to be, you still lack control over the quality of leads that end up with you.

Given the importance of high quality leads for B2B businesses, you need to be certain you're only spending cash on leads most likely to turn into customers.

With dedicated systems, you have complete control over the potential customers you reach out to.

Who replies to our customers when they respond? 

Great question! Once we've built the system for you, we use a unibox to manage all your customer responses for you.

We also use AI filters during this process to identify top-priority customer responses to ensure all you have to deal with are confirming appointments and closing deals.

How do you measure success?

It’s really very simple. If the acquisition system we build for you doesn’t enable you to increase your revenue by 25-30% after the 1st month - we’ve not done our job, and you shouldn’t be expected to pay. That’s our promise.

What do you mean with “We’ll transfer the system over to you”?

Once we’ve built, tested, automated and helped you implement your acquisition system - you don’t really need us anymore 😢

That’s why we help you get to a position where your SDRs and in-house teams can continue running the system (with minimal time input) by transferring the system over to you.

We regularly see in-house teams continue to manage & scale our systems with no more than 30mins of time invested each day.

Why can't I just build this system myself? 

Because nothing’s ever as simple as it seems (we’re just as sad about it as you).

While mapping out simple messaging sequences isn’t hard, we save you the headache of building an entire infrastructure for automated customer outreach at scale and on multiple platforms simultaneously.

We also save you the stress of dealing with technical headaches like deliverability downgrades, IP bans and server restrictions.

On top of that, we’ve implemented countless systems already - so we really know what works and what doesn’t.

Let's Connect and Build Together